• The Query
  • Posts
  • 🤓 A helpful resource for your next portfolio project

🤓 A helpful resource for your next portfolio project

The Query (aka Kyle and Cody) here 👋

Here’s what we have for you today:

  • A lesser known but powerful SQL JOIN 📊

  • A helpful article for creating your next portfolio project 📈

  • Remote data jobs and freelance work to gain experience 💼

  • 2 classic memes 🤣

select * from data-jobs

remote, data jobs

Because who likes writing SQL from a busy office?

  1. Junior Analyst @ Talkspace — $75-90k per year (apply here)

  2. Senior Data Analyst @ Stride — $60-129k per year (apply here)

  3. Data Analyst @ Genworth — $82-136k per year (apply here)

freelance gigs

Need work experience? Get real experience with real projects.

  1. Excel Sales Goal Tracker (apply here)

  2. Tableau and Excel Help — $75-100 per hour (apply here)

  3. Data Analyst — $35-80 per hour (apply here)

def content_spotlight(🔦):

This week we’re featuring a blog post from Coursera: 5 Data Analytics Projects for Beginners.

Doing practice projects is the fastest way to learn data analysis. There’s no replacement for applying your knowledge to real world problems.

This article explains 5 different data analysis projects for beginners: web scraping, data cleaning, exploratory data analysis, sentiment analysis, and data visualization.

It also provides 10 free public datasets that would be great for practicing your skills and building your next portfolio project.

If you’re looking for portfolio project ideas, check this out and let us know what you build!

class MiniLesson:


Kyle here 👋 — A lesser used but powerful join in SQL is the FULL OUTER JOIN.

Like the mythical Dodo bird, it's rare to see one in the wild.

FULL OUTER JOIN is a type of join operation that combines the results of both LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN.

It returns all rows from both tables, and if there's no match between the tables, NULL values are used for the columns from the table where no match is found.

This join operation is useful when you want to retain all the data from both tables, even if there's no direct match between them.

FULL OUTER JOIN is different from INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN in the following ways:

  • INNER JOIN returns only the rows where there's a match between the joining columns in both tables.

  • LEFT JOIN returns all the rows from the left table and the matched rows from the right table. If no match is found, NULL values are used for the columns from the right table.

Let's look at an example.

Suppose you have two tables: ad spend and orders.

The ad_spend table stores information about the advertising costs.

The orders table stores information about orders that are attributed to the ad spend.

In this result set, you can see that the FULL OUTER JOIN includes all the rows from both tables, even when there's no match between the ad_id columns.

The unmatched row from the orders table (with order_id 5) has NULL values for the columns from the ad_spend table.

In summary, FULL OUTER JOIN is a powerful join operation that can be used when you want to retain all the data from both tables, even if there's no direct match between them.

This can be useful in situations where you need to combine data from separate but related tables, such as ad spend and orders.

import memes as 😂 

content & resources 🤓 

1. Become a Data Analyst Guide: Our full guide on what it takes to land a job as a data analyst.

2. Download our SQL Cheatsheet as a PDF and desktop wallpaper here. 

3. LinkedIn: We create content on LinkedIn daily. You can follow Cody here and Kyle here.

4. Courses: Our course on showcasing your data portfolio is live!

That’s it for today.

Stay crunchin’ folks and see you next week!

— Kyle & Cody

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